Thursday, November 19, 2015

More garbage about me b/c I am worthless ;)

So a reference page for myself like Kat said. Here we go!

Name: Sami

Age: 12 (13 on Nov. 14)

My Life: I'm a very conscientious student and hate not handing in homework or missing lessons or not finishing tests. I HATE GETTING GRADES UNDER 90% IDK WHY JUST DON'T ASK. Anyways. I'm also a lazy couch potato who likes to read and watch YouTube most of the time. TV is ok but you have to watch whats on at that moment so that's why I like YouTube. I like to just sit in bed or plain sleep all day. Because I'm lazy. And a bum. A lazy bum.

Background: So it all started when I was brought into this world. In China. Okay, so basically I was left at the gates of an orphanage in China by my birth parents in hopes I'd get a better life in some other country. Then at some point I went to live with a foster mother for like, a year or something. Then I was adopted by my forever family in 2004 on Feb. 16th. When I was four and a half we went back to China and adopted my little sister, Hannah. We lived in one part of Long Island until I was 6 and then we move to somewhere still on Long Island. Where? Like I'm dumb enough to say that. Anyway, we still live here and are happy so yeah.

Ok so that's pretty much it.




Haha, hello! Since this is my (and Sami's) more "personal" blog, I'll be blogging, like, more... personal... stuff.

If you came from the other blog I advertised in one of my later posts, then you're probably reading this post to read about my orientation and my massive Googling about... orientations.

Well, first off, sorry for the inactivity. I thought Sami would keep y'all posted with at least one post, but um... *chokes* SAMI YOU SLOWWWWW *coughs*

So about my, ah, orientation. Well, I found out that asexual has a different-er meaning than I thought. So. Yeah. So instead of my orientation being asexual panromantic, it's apparently pansexual aromantic. Confusing, but whatever. It's words.

I'll try to blog later, but I have limited blogging time nowadays.
Oh, okay, um, here's another advertisement for an app! On iOS AND Android--boo-ya!

It's called DrawCast and you get to draw, talk, and ROLEPLAY! I love roleplays, hehe!

My username for my main and really-active account is @Corialis , and my sketch account (and inactive-ish account) is @Akori , if you want to see my poopy 30-second blobs of lines.

Sami's username is @Cutesie Kat , and her other accounts are @~Faith~ and @ForeverFaith.

Okie dokie, so yeah! In case you'd like to see us draw, then cool. And a little creepy, but cool. I might post one of my drawings one day, too!



Thursday, November 5, 2015

Self Advertisement! *claps*

Ello! Kat here! So in my last post I showed you guys a post on my other blog with 2 other friends, including Sami. So here's the full link! CLICK ME >:C

Okie dokie! Welp, I'm just gonna... leave... this here... and... yeah. ^^

~Awkward Kat

(Lmao right now Sami is talking to me about typing on a keyboard... eh. I tuned out. <3 <3 <3)

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Hello from Us!

Ello! Sorry, Sami won't be here for a while. She's furious about something that happened earlier.
Go to THIS LINK to read about what happened (also, our other blog!).

Well, about today. See, I studied my BUTT off for 6 hours, and I STILL think I bombed the test... eh, screw that test. Even if I failed, my average is 99%, so it'd only be dragged down to about a 90% or so, which is still a B+ / A-.

I'll probably be blogging later, too. If you visited the link ^, you'll know that I'm extremely relieved from all that studying, since I have almost zero homework, too! Yay!

Welp, see you soon! I need to help calm Sami... Give her your best wishes, guys!

~A sympathetic (WHOA!!! FOR ONCE!) Kat

Monday, November 2, 2015

Some Extra Junk... or Info...

Okie, I'm gonna make a reference sheet sort of thingy for myself.

Name: My name is Kat. Or at least, call me that. Thankies.
Age: I've just turned 12 in late spring.
Gender / Orientation: I'm a girl, thanks, and asexual panromantic.
*EDIT: November 19th- Correction, I'm pansexual aromantic. Oopsies!*
Lifestyle: I lived in Canada for, like, half of my life, which is why I don't really mind the cold (but how do you guys survive the heat?!), but now I live someplace in America where they spell 'colour' like 'color'.
Bio: I guess I could be classified as shy, and I'm pretty okay in school (like, I get 85-95's on my tests and stuff). I'm pretty lazy, I could be classified as a mild weeb. I'm, um, v spoiled (whoopsies~) and, I guess, very unsympathetic at times, though I say "sorry" in the tiniest of situations, like if I accidentally turned on my phone when I wasn't supposed to.
Likes: I like anime (Blue Exorcist is my main one--SEASON 2! APPEAR!), cookies, food in general, dark colours (in clothing), and my hair colour (half purple, half brown!).
Dislikes: My hair thickness and messy-floofiness (ughhh...), my sleeping habits (I roll around wayyy too much!), copycats, people who act one specific way to gain someone's trust or friendship, and spiders. No, not spiders. Ew.

And that's the basic. I'll be writing more tomorrow, I think. Okie, bye~!


uuuuhhhh t-title

Hi I'm Sami the second admin of this here bloggie :)

Ok so about me:

I am 12 (turning 13 on 11/14/15!!!!!!)

I like love pink

I'm a weido :3

I am an MLP FiM (My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic) fan

I am in 7th grade

I live in *blurb* (no stalkers pls) all you need to know is that I'm American ok?

I am a person

So basically I'll just blog about life and such k? K. That's p much all i have to say so bye!

~Sami the Majestic Puffball