Monday, November 2, 2015

Some Extra Junk... or Info...

Okie, I'm gonna make a reference sheet sort of thingy for myself.

Name: My name is Kat. Or at least, call me that. Thankies.
Age: I've just turned 12 in late spring.
Gender / Orientation: I'm a girl, thanks, and asexual panromantic.
*EDIT: November 19th- Correction, I'm pansexual aromantic. Oopsies!*
Lifestyle: I lived in Canada for, like, half of my life, which is why I don't really mind the cold (but how do you guys survive the heat?!), but now I live someplace in America where they spell 'colour' like 'color'.
Bio: I guess I could be classified as shy, and I'm pretty okay in school (like, I get 85-95's on my tests and stuff). I'm pretty lazy, I could be classified as a mild weeb. I'm, um, v spoiled (whoopsies~) and, I guess, very unsympathetic at times, though I say "sorry" in the tiniest of situations, like if I accidentally turned on my phone when I wasn't supposed to.
Likes: I like anime (Blue Exorcist is my main one--SEASON 2! APPEAR!), cookies, food in general, dark colours (in clothing), and my hair colour (half purple, half brown!).
Dislikes: My hair thickness and messy-floofiness (ughhh...), my sleeping habits (I roll around wayyy too much!), copycats, people who act one specific way to gain someone's trust or friendship, and spiders. No, not spiders. Ew.

And that's the basic. I'll be writing more tomorrow, I think. Okie, bye~!


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